Family court 246 Houston removed a father from his house May 21 and implanted a mother that has virtually abondoned the children to the care of the father.
The mother finally showed up July 7th and demanded the father turn over the child. Unable to reason with her to allow the child to complete schedule medical appointment, The father ask she take the child and would await an appeal from the court.
The mother called the police who arrived and very professionally requested the father turn over the child. Screaming and fighting the child refused to go with the mother.
The mother requested another daughters help but the child resisted.
Family court had to know this was coming due to delays in scheduling hearings after erroneous ruling on May 21. T child suffered lost of breath and increases heart rate. She was unstable for some time and had to receive treatment using an inhaler.
Family court 246 continue to act business as usual, not confirming an a hearing and extending dates that were set with the intent of removing uncertainty in the lives of the children.
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