Sunday, August 21, 2016
Family Court 246 gave mother home to live free of home related expences.
When family court gave a home taken from a father to a mother in June, the court did not address payment for house related expenses to include, mortgage, utilities, ground and building maintenance. The mother who deserted the house years ago after causing considerable damage to the building including damage to walls, electrical and garage door. She literally lifted a 4 processor special built computer and threw it to the ground all in the presence of the children. She raided the house of specialized test equipment used by the father to perform work and took all she could carry from the house.
Family court 246 told the father that since there was a default judgment it had to abide by the request of her attorney. Now that is really scary. If this attorney had requested the father give over the vehicle that the father drove would the court have rubber stamped that request? What if that attorney had requested the father go to jail for not paying the mothers lease for her vehicle would the judge comply.
Our society have given to much power to the judicial system. Scientists, doctors, Engineers, politicians, nurse, garbage collectors, landscapers, policemen, firemen to name a few all work under reasonable laws, codes, requirements and commonsense. Judges first of all claim the courts as theirs its not public property paid by tax payers, and are given such authority that they are feared by lawyers, witnesses and certainly defendants and respondents that appear before them. Attorneys walk on needles for fear of upsetting judges and having to work with him/her in the future.
I suggest like Metro and other government institutions Judges should not serve in the same court for more than 2 years. In so doing they will not have the disabling effect that they have on attorneys and communities where they work. If you have a toll operator work forever in the same booth, this operator may accumulate friendships that may compromise the integrity of her work.
These judges develop friendships with attorneys and are bias to new, young, ethnically different, minority or simply attorneys they don't like.
Here is an example I know of. This young attorney has three motions in family court for 6 weeks, these motions were on the court docket 4 times but the judge simply refused to hear them. One occasion the judge was unavailable on other occasion the judge had no time.
Opposing counsel requested a hearing on July 12 and was granted for July 17. Even with a weekend. The judge seem to go out of the way to accommodate that attorney he is late by 3 hours every single time. He seem to know how to get a hearing outside the presence of opposing counsel and to be on time. However when the fathers attorney was late by 30 minutes on the 17th, the judge hurriedly called a hearing favoring the opposing attorney even if the fathers attorney had called the court indicating he would be late for about an hour and that he was in the building in another court.
On one occasion the court scheduled a 3 pm hearing at 11 am and notified all parties. She highlighted the time constraint and requested a prompt start. Everyone was present except the opposing attorney. The attorney arrived at 3:20 seemingly to the delight of the judge who calmly explained that there was not enough time for the hearing. The father requested his attorney demand the hearing. The judge threatened that the bar for evidence in this hearing would be set very high and that if the complainant did not meet the bar the judge complainant would pay attorney fees to opposing counsel.
In spite of her threat the father out of concern for his children agreed with the threat and there was a 15 minute hearing on 30 June that was reset but never heard to this day.
After upholding a default motion that resulted in the father loosing his home, custody of his children and all his belonging accumulated after 14 years of residence the judge heard a motion on June 25 requesting he set aside his ruling since there was service and notification issues associated with the hearing. That was denied. The judge informed the attorney that he could file a motion to modify. Incidentally that motion was already filed so the judge scheduled a hearing with the associate court judge. That hearing is on hold to this day along with two other motions filed by the complainant.
The opposing lawyer can simply go to the clerk get a hearing date and his hearing is scheduled. There is no excuse for other parties. Arrive 30 minutes late for any reason even if your inform the court that you are downstairs but security lines are long or elevator traffic his high you will receive a default judgment.
Family issues are too serious to be conducted in such an un reasonable way. That family court judges method of operation is fear and intimidation this is a disservice to the sensitive communities especially minorities who don't have the resources and most importantly the ability to confront these courts.
Family courts bias and indifference towards minority communities is influencing behavior and circumstances that distort juvenile ability to cope with issues of behavior and deal with adverse situations.
Family court favor mothers as parents and design their rulings to place mothers in permanent residents and award custody in order to charge child support from the father.
In any event the father knows he has to mountains to climb in order to prevent his children being owned by the State or being imprison or homeless.
Family court success with minority children issues is a dismal failure where there is no agreement at mediation. Family court judges make decisions based on bias and indifference. These Lords of the court are so arrogant that they don't seem to care about destroying parent children relationships, burdening communities and straining resources to meet their ideals of fairness. There seem to be little or no oversight of these courts and judges, leaving these judges the assume that they can do no wrong.
An appeal has to be made to law makers and control institutions to help save minority communities from these courts and judges.
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