Often times one is more creative with less than expensivr resources. So much has been made with limited resources.
Don't be afraid of judges and Attorney General Offices. Learn about them. Visit the courts. Make them a part of your life.
Make it fun. Look at Judge Judy. Make the legal system something you can live with.
The court is less likely to be intimidating if you know your rights. Fight the courts using legal tools available to you. Use the law library. Don't be afraid to challenge the judge or your lawyer.
Don't repeat the saying am not a lawyer I am at their mercy. Just as there are bad drivers there are bad judges, lawyers, doctors, pilots and so on.
Take time to read the Constitution of the United States it grantees your rights. For family issues study the 1st and 14th ammendments.
When it comes to your children give the system hell using common sense and some Knowledge self acquired.
Family court Houston you have two choices. Be fair to all or face the wrath of the public in the making.
Thanks all for your support. Many lawyers and legal scholars, so many tweets. Face book, Google + and Blogspot. Contine to support and follow
We are in this fight together.
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