Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Could a mother acting as judge deceive a 10 year old girl to be nabbed by a mother and her henchmen?
What is so disappointing about that judge is that she knew exactly what she was about to do. The mother's attorney was in wait with his henchmen to grab the child and make a hasty retreat before the child knew what was happening. The child was promised by her sister and dad that the court was fair and the judge would listen to her and where she wished to. What a lie. This judge cannot be a mother and to be so deceitful to a 10 year old who had resisted the attempts of two policemen to return her to her mother days prior. 246 Family court judge use the people's court to nab a child from her father without a court hearing that she scheduled two days prior.
The mother has refused the little girl wishes to participate in gymnastics, swimming and are classes paid for by the father. She sits at home unattended to for long periods while the mother is at work. She gets little help with home work and is at home every day from 5 am when her mother goes to work. She has no one to prepare her morning meal or to verify her preparation for school. She crosses the street alone to hitch a ride with a neighbor to attend school. This judge has to compare the disadvantage of this child to the advantage of her own and agree she has made a mortal mistake.
The question is how many more children is this judge willing to disadvantage before realizing the havoc she and family court are perpetuating in the lives of our vulnerable children. I need everyone to view that picture. This judge almost two years ago determined the resident of the child to be with the father. A month ago she gave the child to the mother who kept the child for one week abandoning her in a house in Houston with no electricity even if she has a separate apartment.
The father took the child until the judge ruled that the father could have the child temporarily. She then reversed her ruling when the mother requested custody in order to receive child support. Now the mother is receiving child support for herself and her aggressive night life. That a mother serving as a judge could be so deceitful is evil at its worse and her action can only be termed an abomination to the welfare of a child. This judge has lost every legitimate reason to be so considered. I hope children every where will hear the story of this evil judge and she will be remembered for her actions towards that little girl. This child will eventually get help but certainly not from FAMILY CUT 246.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Family court 246 Houston cannot possibly think they are governed by the Constitution.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ... Section. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. The ease with which an Associate judge from court 246 can take ones property without due process is astonishing.
It is difficult to find another country in the civilized world that gives judges power to take and turn over property while a case is in progress, without due process. Fellow Americans, today is someone else tomorrow might be you. There is no limit to the powers these family court judges have taken unto themselves and the latitude that has been given to name in the name of justice.
It is going to take serious efforts on the part of Citizens in order to have these judges adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America. The Office of the Attorney General needs to investigate how many properties have been taken away from minority parents by Family Court 246 without due process inconsistent with requirements of the 14th amendment.
The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. This seemingly simple language has given rise to endless controversy over its interpretation. Beginning with the Slaughterhouse Cases, the Supreme Court has decided cases involving the Fourteenth by selectively invoking only the most minimal and restrictive rights needed to decide each case, and never finding or declaring in dictum that the Fourteenth protects all rights recognized by the Constitution.
This has led to the doctrine of selective incorporation of the Bill of rights, most of which have eventually been included in the protection, but a few of which have not. Two of the Bill of Rights that have not been "incorporated" are the Second Amendment and the Fifth. The Supreme Court has avoided taking any cases that would require it to rule on the right to keep and bear arms or assemble as an independent militia. It has, however, ruled that several provisions of the Fifth Amendment do not apply to the states. The first major case was Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516 (1884), in which it held that a state was not required to indict by grand jury.
The issues were set forth well by Justice Harlan in Hurtado, whose dissenting opinion is correct. Unfortunately, the majority did not agree with him. The state was California, and although grand juries in California still have the power of indictment, most crimes are prosecuted upon an information, which is only a finding by a lower magistrate. On the basis of this decision, a few states have even eliminated the grand jury system altogether
. Subsequent important cases were Twining v. New Jersey, 211 U.S. 78 (1908), which held a state is not required to protect the right against self-incrimination; Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319 (1937), which held a state is not required to protect the right against double jeopardy; and Adamson v. California, 332 U.S. 46 (1947), which held that the decision of an accused not to testify may be used against him in a state criminal trial.
Children's lives may be worse than that of their parents for the first time in America
Instead of the parent doing all in their power to ensure their children have a life better than theirs, the court assumes that authority. Family courts are the worse social medium that a child can depend on when it comes to shaping their future. Firstly, family courts simply choose which parent would better meet their financial support goals and with their parent of choice, they award custody of the children. If the court find the process complicated, they simply involve CPS to justify their actions. Consider judges from court 246 Houston Texas, who took a children from their father of 14 and 10 years and gave to a mother that had abandon them several times, even when she lived at the house, she left for night clubs ever day except Sundays leaving the children with the father.
The very court after a hearing awarded the primary residence for the children with their father without the mother paying child support. No child support is not an objective of family court, so the judges had to reverse themselves, giving the children to the mother, then awarding her primary residence. Now they have no problem awarding her child support to continue financing her aggressive night life.
How does that affect the child? well the obvious response is parents that do not have the dream or are forced to assume the role of parents by family courts will not have the desire to have their children lives better than theirs. These parents are selfish, not motivated and have very low self esteem. Yet if this is the parent profile that suites the court's objective, so be it for the child.
Family court 246 Houston care less as to whether your children reach for the skies and reach for success. They can crawl or creep if they want with the help of the court appointed parent once the court reaps financial support from that parent, usually a minority males, all but ensuring the demise of the child, placed at a disadvantage for the remainder of their lives.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Family court meaning of equity is take all from one and give to other.
The court did prior allocate child support to the mother even if the mother had left the house and the father was living in the house with the children. The court made the decision and the first the father knew was when his salary was being garnished. The court eventually over turned the ruling but continued its efforts at re en stating the order.
When the court states its order was necessary they were in effect dividing a family but worth noting they were giving children to a mother that had abandon the property and children. They ignore the fact that the mother paid nothing for child support for 2 years but claimed child income credit for that period.
That they consider this ruling to be equitable is the same as the character Shylock demanding his pound of flesh. This court order is driven by revenge for perceived challenges to prior court rulings involving child support. Court 246 had absolutely no reason to remove this father from his home then replace custody of the children only to re-impose child support.
The judges of family court 246 are State powered bullies that will spare no effort at imposing their will and judgment to further their reasoning that minority males are only good for providing money into their child support coffers.
If you think family court 246 cares about children welfare how is it their associate judge use trickery to virtually kidnap a 10 year old who two days resisted efforts by a police supervisor to go with her mother, had to schedule a fake hearing to grab the child next to a waiting elevator then take off to an unknown floor, transit then to hurriedly live the building.
If family court 246 Harris County stand for fairness and equity every American should surrender to the fear that this court has made a reputation of operating. THERE IS NOTHING FAIR AND EQUITABLE REGARDING PROCESS USED BY FAMILY COURT 246Harris county Texas.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Family Court Corruption
One will be hard press to find a minority case that ends up directing a child to a better life. Its like a worse outcome accompany a child that goes through family court. What does society gain when minority males commit suicide because family courts have taken their children they have lived with for years and given to parent who care less about the interest of the child. To say to a father who has lived with his child for years that he can only see that child two weekends a month is immoral and judicial tyranny.
For law makers to allow such calamity to occur against American parents who struggle so hard to provide for their children lends credence to the hatred that America attracts in the International community. No other nation in the developed world allow its Courts to cause the grief and suffering that family court imposes on minority vulnerable hard working, child caring families.
A father after supporting his family for 20 years, is displaced from his home, has to make an appointment to see his children and has to pay support to the State in order for an abandoning mother to support her way of life? Is this for real or a fiction of a fathers imagination.
It there no end to injustice in America. Has America become the land of Judicial tyranny and oppression. Are we to live in fear of the very judges that are supposed to impact law, order and justice and provide an environment of peace and stability for our children? What am I missing here?
All we want for our families is what family court judges want for theirs.
One would think family courts would use their status to elevate family issues that complement communities and help to uplift all aspects of our society.Instead family courts, by using fear and intimidation loose the respect needed to influence family advancement that is so needed in America today. Family courts are well placed to produce positive influence to communities but choose to be family bullies using their power and influence to harm so many.
That the court would assume the role of property snatchers and perform clandestine operations to snatch children from one parent in order to give to another in spite of the children explicit resistance to living with that parent. What world cause a 10 year old to resist the efforts of senior police officials to leave a father for a mother.
Why does a judge have to openly lie to a father to have him take a child to court for an interview only to snatch have an attorney ans mother snatch the child from a father into a waiting elevator and disappear while the father search in vain for his daughter all in an effort to strengthen the judges effort at determining primary residence, and parenting is simply uncalled for. What mother can perform such an act of betrayal against a ten year old who was promised by the father that all would be well and she should trust the judge. Are we referring to events that take place in America? yes every day parents cry out for justice from family courts in America.
What is so different about minorities what so terrify family court judges that they seem to work for their demise. Where does court 246 judges expect a minority father to live after taking his residence of 14 years and giving to someone who has had an apartment for years? There are components of life that judges should not carelessly engage in. Someone's home, a parent child and someone's work should be interfered with great sensitivity and caution.
The saying do unto others as you would want them do unto you has been replaced by family court judges with do unto minorities so they will never be able to do unto you. ( Excel, prosper, become educated, take care of their families, live happy lives.) Family courts cannot boast of any program that is used in their courts use as policy that benefit minority communities.Instead they seem to believe minorities do not have the resources to oppose detrimental decisions imposed by them.
So they use their power with impunity leaching hardships on vulnerable citizens in the community. Would a father expect to file for divorce from a wife that abandon her children, destroyed a house and left for her other life, lost his home and children by the hands of family court judges? off course not. Yet this is exactly what was so easily accomplished by judges from family court 246 Harris county Houston Texas.
Many institutions with limited resources work oh so hard to aid in improving entire communities in areas of education, health, social independence and community development. To every component of improvement achieved by these institutions there seem to be a family court judge working to ensure the demise. What family court fail to realize is that tremendous resources are taken from the very communities their actions destroy daily to support the ill effects of the courts. Unless equity, fairness and professionalism are the watch words of family courts, the institution will remain one of repression, oppression and destruction.
Quarter back in NFL protest treatment of minorities.(A real American Hero)
His gesture was to protest the treatment of African Americans and minorities in the United States, as he told after the game. Kaepernick has remained sitting during the anthem "in at least one other preseason game," according to the site. "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick said, according to "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." He told that he did not notify the team in advance. "I am not looking for approval
. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right," Kaepernick said. reports that Kaepernick recently "decided to be more active and involved in rights for black people." In a statement carried by, the 49ers said they recognize his right to remain seated: "The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.
" On his Twitter page, Kaepernick has recently focused on Black Lives Matter, police violence and civil rights issues. Kaepernick's protest has drawn comparisons to a similar gesture 20 years ago from Denver Nuggets guard Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, which generated a major controversy. He was suspended for one game and ultimately agreed to stand with his head bowed in prayer, as SB Nation reported. The gesture has also ignited debate and is currently trending on Twitter. It has sharply divided fellow NFL players.
For example, Miami Dolphins running back Arian Foster wrote, "the flag represents freedom. the freedom to choose to stand or not. that's what makes this country beautiful." Later, he wrote, "protest is imperative for change. it invokes the conversation." Taking a different view, former Denver Broncos offensive tackle Tyler Polombus wrote, "Activists changed USA for better but have to associate Nat Anthem w/ military that die for ur right to protest. Stand up. Find another way." Thank you Mr. KAEPERNICK finally a man of substance a source of inspiration for Minority rights.
Consumer Affairs & Justice: Residents declare war on family courts.
Highlighting family court issues.
Residents declare war on family courts.
Family court issues
Friday, August 26, 2016
Houston identified as being at high risk for Zika virus
More HVAC scams
HVAC scams are alive and well in this market
Dont be scamed by Greedy Air-conditioning Companies this summer.
Determine to be just who and what you want to be.
In life there will be many unexpected occurances. There are many more persons and or institutions or groups and organizations whose goal is to ensure you have a bad day.
We need to forcus on our children at an early age. If we can help steer them from the institutional hazards that exist today they may be able to overcome and even alter the evils that we currently fight.
Let's ensure our children are what they want and aspire to be. Not what is crafted by Government institutions of what they should be.
Mediation verses Trial family court.
Family court judges destroy any attempt at successful mediation by their actions early in divorce proceedings especially when minorities are involved. Little trust exists between parent by the time of filing and family court judges using fear, arogance and intimidation destroyed any chance of a Colaborated effort by the parents.
For instance when judges of court 246 Houston removed a father from his home of 14 years, with only the clothes on his back while being deceitful with trial dates they are in essence making mediation impossibly.
When the same judges con a parent into believing a child is to be interviewed but only to have a hasty premature trial enabling one parent to virtually grab the child and disappear, they are making mediation all but impossible.
The result is a burdened , non productive, expensive, miss trusted court. Tax payers bear the responsibility for the actions of these judges.
Family court judges have to be fair and allow the chips to fall within the confines of the law. To arbitrary take sides is defeating the purpose of their involvement.
Judges cannot fix children by destroying the parents. A lesson judges of court 246 Houston have obviously not learnt.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Minorities request Educational and Child care tax credits this election season.
Family court can claim little good serving minority communities.
Has a family or child ever given credit to family court for a successful event in their lives? Is there documentation of minority success that can be attributed to family courts? Family courts in America earn their reputation using fear not respect, bullying not professionalism. Prisons have been recognized for turning around and even saving lives What claim can be made in support of family courts as being a medium for making better the lives of families in America. On the contrary, Family courts can easily be seen as the worst institution making decisions affecting minorities. Unless family courts are reformed to be professional, fair and progressive, family values will be destroyed and communities will experience the venom of community stress initiated by family courts.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Deceptive Associate Judge schedule arbitary hearing.
Family Court preceived relationship with CPS.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Is managing family court 246 Houston more than the Judges can handle?
Should court 246 not be responsible for items destroyed, discarded and removed from residence that they determined ownership for?

Should court 246 not be responsible for items destroyed, discarded and removed from residence that they determined ownership for?

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Associate Judge 246 threatens to charge Attorney cost to Compliant.
Family court insensitive to mental health of parent
Family Court 246 gave mother home to live free of home related expences.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Criminal and or Family court reform.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Is family destruction an objective of family courts in Houston?
Family court refuses to honor hearings set numerous times with minor children involved.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Family court 246 is solely responsible for removing a father from his home of 14 years, and giving it to a mother who damaged the entire house in the presence of the children, breaking large glass windows with a hammer, destroying front and back door locks, destroying electric meter with a metal rod while live electrically, all in the presence of the children. This Judge after hearing testimony under oath remarked the case should be elevated to criminal.
Uncontested testimony of physical violence between mother and 16 year old, attacking visitor with electric saw in the presence of children attaching a moving vehicle with children on board on the busy street of Houston at rush hour. The judge took the high road with school to reopen on Monday to pass her responsibility to CPS.
Where is the Judge for court 246? is he missing in action or simply passing his responsibility to the Associate Judge. Then she simply passes the disaster that she created to CPS. CPS might not be a continuation for cleaning the mess of family court at some point Family Court 246 will schedule a hearing and be confronted with the evil and destruction that they created mutilating a family because they feel ever powerful and invincible.
The court is not a dictator unto itself. Judges can be jailed just as any one in the USA or held responsible for actions deemed inconsistent with US laws. There is no justification for arrogance, bias, indifference or premature justice of victimization as exhibited by family court 246. This family doesn't ask for a favorable ruling just a hearing respecting the 14th amendment and provide parents with a fitness hearing before removing them from their home, Judges from court 246 determine custody by creating a favorable condition for the party of their choosing prior to final ruling, ensuring residency, custody and child support to their chosen parent.
Family court 246 manufacture preferential advantage to their chosen parent thereby disadvantaging the other parent.
Consumer Affairs & Justice: An Associate Judge for Court 246 Houston reversed ...
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
This same judge removed the father from his home on June 21st denying him his home and custody of his children and promising a resolution in one week. The father has been in court for schedule trials on 5 separate occasions on 12 July the judge was simply unavailable. This Judge simply refuses to hold a scheduled trial after the father has left work and spent hours in the court. Yet she entertains opposing counsel tolerating his consistent lateness and granting him staged default judgement.
Family court 246 judges are out of control and are prepared to stage unbelievable operations to obtain results that satisfies their objectives of rewarding court cronies and affiliates disregarding their oath to provide justice.
Is there an end for the damage family courts are prepared to do minority families?
Associate Judge in family court take home and children from father and give to extrange wife.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Family court please do not divide parents from their children.

Consumer Affairs & Justice: Win Child Custody Hearing - New Easy, Simple, Fast...
Consumer Affairs & Justice: It is so encouraging to hear of justice elsewhere....
Dont allow anyone to determine your success.
We all know of problems with criminal courts, however Family court negative influence on minority family lives is so much more dramatic. Their idea is to place as many minority children on welfare in possession of the Government. Once that is achieved and parent influence is degraded, children lives are degraded and their future becomes a matter of statistics.
Their action ensures minority fathers are not part of the family structure, in so doing their future and success will be limited and predetermined. Take control of these children's future and generations will be impacted. This is the obvious result of Family Court culture whether this is apparent or not to the judicial system.
This practice is apparent in all institutions in America. The difference with Family courts is that it targets both components of minority structure with consequences on the future of these sectors of the nation.
This is court judicial destruction of minority families at its best. The term Family court to the more appropriate Family Cut.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
It is so encouraging to hear of justice elsewhere. Justice any where is justice every where.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Court refuses to provide relief to minor children.
In spite of weeks of delays by court 246 to provide relief for displaced children the judge refused to sign a temporary order protecting a child from her raging mother. On the 30th June the court promised to resolve issues regarding the children within 7 days. A court hearing last week was rescheduled because the judge was unavailable. The children were in court for an interview with the judge three weeks ago, the judge interviewed one.
Fast forward to 12 August the Judge has refused to sign a TRO from the father after the Florida child sent to Cuba screaming and fighting was in the process of being repeating again. This time Sugar land police took the interest of the child preventing the mother from savagely forcing the child into a car crying and screaming while she reap the child from her fathers care . The police did all in their power to assure the child that no harm would come from her mother.
The child had seen different from the mother destroying a moving vehicle on a main street in Houston, to several attempts using knives to fight her father to chasing a visitor with an electric saw. She also saw three fights with her mother and elder sister. During the chase with the electric saw the 10 year old could be seen running to safer ground.
With all this testimony in court heard by this very Judge the court has refused to sign a protective order protecting the child from the deranged mother. Once again one has to ask is this family COURT or family Cut?
Thursday, August 11, 2016
We share this moment of family pride
To family court judges in Houston court 246 this is what parents cherish and live for. Don't rob our children of their opportunities.
What we need is family support child support is what we live fot. All we ask is to be fair and we will excell. We don't want hand outs we want an even playing field and we will win gold.
All races win medals for America a minority tied the gold medal in swimming for us Americans.
We want our children to belong to us not to the State. That way we can appreciate their achievements, visit their school and support their sports without a schedule from the courts.
Dear Family Court Judge.
We don't want our future decided by the State family court and Attorney General Office. We think parents by the very name is responsible for that role. Unless this cannot be achieved and you have an advisor role in our interest we will be disadvantaged with your efforts.
Your role to divide our parent and send us further apart than we already are only help the State Data and money collection efforts. It is how much money did your efforts disadvantage our parent in child support, not how much we gain in quality of life, self esteem, confidence and intelligence.
In short this is where we want our future to begin.
Every child is a parent Gem
Family courts seem to place different values on children and use these values to determine residency, custody and financial child support at the peril of the child.
They divide the child potential resources then advise the disadvantage parent to do the human parent thing.