We were awaken this morning with yet another shooting affecting and involving law enforcement. The move from predominately law enforcement shooting civilians to civilians shooting law officers. Some of these civilian shooters have had mi!Italy training including operating high powered weapons.
Treatment of past duty military personnel is a concern for overall security concerns in America. The problem is compounded when it pertains to past minority military officials.
Our hearts go out to the families of anyone who has to realize the permanent lost of life especially in a violent act. America has endorsed a culture of dispute resolution using guns. Historically America has viewed the gun as the first and last resort when confronted with any dispute regardless of the nature of the dispute.
Mass media has glorified gun violence for as long as popular media existed. One cannot escape the social and economic pressures exerted on such a wide spectrum of our communities. Some laws existing in America defy common sense and are a magnet for senseless violence.
This is a golden opportunity for sensible discussion regarding all violence to include gun used for law enforcement, recreation and crimes.
Suffering for law enforcement and civilians is the same. We have to respect and honor life regardless of the affiliation. Law makers have much responsibility for gun violence in America. I would hope as a result of current episodes of violence, law makers would do what is obvious, common sense and necessary to address the problem.
State and Federal officials and institutions need to make an overall evaluation of systematic concerns in America and to prioritize remedies that would begin to promote integrated nationalism and reduce institutional harm that is so obvious in America.
Americans are hurting maybe more now compared to any time history. Minorities are under attach from almost every institution that exists. Almost every institution is producing unnecessary pressure on Americans including education, health, commerce, housing, legal and so much more.
We are constantly told to hope yet for how long. Every day seem to drive hope further away. We no longer know who our enemies are nor where the next attach may come from.
Many Americans regardless at ethnicity are living a life of protest daily. When living is based on protests we find our selves in conflict with established norms that point us towards lawful acts and normal living.
America, violence has never solved any problem and has only intensify world conflict and misery. Most of the suffering experienced in our world today is directly associated with violence and if the expectation is for life as we knew it extensive realities have to be confronted any government institutional oppression reduced addressed.
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