What happens to father's pets when he is forcefully removed from his home? This case involves a father whose pets include hens, rabbits, turtles, aquarium and birds. Taking care of this bunch is no little fate. Pets recognize their owners and become acquainted to them. Their feeding and caring routines are established and consolidated.
When the bond is broken the pets grieve and react. For instance, the hens would each lay an egg every day. Once the dad was not home to visit, feed and care for them the hens stopped laying. They are fed the same feed at about the same time each day but there are no more eggs. The turtles would come to the front of the aquarium every morning and would scratched the glass. They don't appear or seem to care anymore. And the birds seem to be subdued and not entertaining as usual. The kids report no obvious change with the rabbit.
Could it be the abstract bias unnecessary actions of family judges are also affecting family pets? It seem to make sense that a mother who can so easily abandon her children would care less about pets. Stressed children separated from their father pay less attention to pets. The conclusion is both family and pets suffer the rampage of the courts.
Judges in family courts know the effects of their actions but again the devastation is only done to expendable, less valued minorities. Who cares!!!
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