When dealing with children affairs, sensitivity is the watch word. Continuity is vital for assurance and self esteem. Every institution and business adhere to the code of conduct protect children at all cost. Law enforcement and legal institutions have the obligation to safe guard children from and situation that can negatively impact their experience.
This sensitivity should be extended from the courts especially those that deal with family issues. When the family is in turmoil, children are affected the most and are at their most vulnerable state. Their minds are wondering, their security is threatened and their world is spinning out of control. Parents are so busy trying to gain and advantage and have control of situations that they face, children needs often take second place.
Family courts should show restraint and exercise commonsense and sensitivity when dealing with children regardless of the children involved. Children are the pride, joy and inspiration for parents and to a lesser degree the community at large. Like the Bible says it is better that a milestone be cast around ones neck and be thrown into water than for someone to hurt children. For those of us who believe in the Bible it is written suffer not the children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of God.
One of the stunning verses of the Bible reads unless we humble ourselves not unlike children we will never enter the kingdom of God. I say emphatically, no one has or will harm children without suffering consequences on earth in their life time. I believe a curse is pronounce on any one that brings harm to children. Government officials believe they are immune to consequences brought about by their actions by thinking there are laws protecting them.
Friends, the evil that we do lives with us whether we are rich or poor, regardless of race, creed, religion, intelligent, unlearned, able or disable. Priests, pastors, criminals, presidents, judges, nurses, policemen, fireman, technicians, politicians and on and on will be judged on earth for their transgressions against children.
Family courts bear special responsibilities when dealing with children. Their moto should always be do no harm. There is no margin for error. The courts have to be sensible when taking decisions that affect mother or father child relationship. Judges are not expected to be punitive when it concern family issues but are expected to make decisions as harmless for children as can be expected.
That a family judge could separate a father from his children weeks before finalizing a divorce by forcefully demanding the removal of the father from his home where he lived providing for his children is an atrocious act that need condemnation. To so affect children's life based on a n unsubstantiated default motion that is highly questionable is regrettable and infinitely unfortunate. Without any complaint whatsoever against the father and with weeks until a final divorce decree, that a judge with all the trials knowingly affecting the children would in his infinite wisdom find justification to add additional uncertainties to the live of these children is wrong and should never be allowed to reoccur.
To add insult to injury the children had to be rescued from the mother who seemingly does not have the resources to care for the children. The court did succeed in separating the 16 and 10 years. From 22 June to present the 16 year old had Been living with friends and the 10 year old has Been with her father and eldest sister. Court 246 had heard all evidence necessary to make an intelligent decision regarding the welfare of these children. That the court choose to further burden the children is astonishing. The question has to be asked. Was this family treated with such lack of sensitivity because of its minority classification.
Would court 246 remove, separate or dictate residence for a family coping with the stress of divorce if they were affluent. The answer is clearly no and the court should be made to right the wrong that it has perpetuated.
I am calling on Federal, State and City officials to provide a forum charged to limit the damage to displaced and or damaged children injured at the hands of these power swinging irresponsible judges. Every family modification regardless of the case should provide counseling paid for from court budget to affected families. Judges should be required to provide a report to a State authority detailing unambiguous detailed reason for separating any family prior to a final decree.
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