Saturday, July 30, 2016

Decision of court may have sealed the fate of Major our puppy.

Poor decision can affect the lives of so many known and so much unknown. By court 246 removing father from his home after  traveling 30 miles  with his daughtet to purchase this puppy. Today Major s isolated in a back yard no one to play with  and a feed and water routine adhock at best.

This is a family pet that is special and is cherished. Since the court has driven the father from his house and the children are scattered  pets are given little attention.
Plants are not watered and are degrading with the summer heat. Judges of court 246  continue to live life as normal not a care for the damage they have caused.

It is sickening when people who should know better perpetuate acts that are so extreme  that so many lives could be devastated to such horrible extent.

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