Wednesday, March 15, 2017


At some point in life, we may come to the point where we ask ourselves should we care what happens to people outside our circle of relationships. The problem is we cannot afford to live isolated lives and expect any quality as a result. Yet we cannot ignore influences that bring negative thoughts to mind. The amazing fact is there is good to be done all over our communities and country, and many unreported and reported exceptional deeds are performed each day.

 Hindrance affecting the mindset of many people that produce subdued initiation for concern of issues not directly influencing us is external governance of our lives, that includes political, judicial and related policies intended to bring direction and relief to societies instead are sources of daily burdens, frustrations and a source of mental diversion for many.

In this ABC story a good Samaritan rushed to the aid of an elderly rescuing her from a train moments before it would have struck. This is what humanity is all about. While these stories of human deeds all over the world there are systematic attempts and operation that divert our focus and burden.To many people basic survival is all they can attend to.
 Family courts are the closest institution with the capability to burden one of the most significant component of our society. Family courts may have been instituted for reasons significant to the ideals of society.

 However the institution has become one of the most burdensome to especially minority communities. Family courts have become a financial machine that derive its resources from the most economically vulnerable among us. Family courts, in spite of its obvious capability to do enormous harm to life, liberty, property and economics, of law abiding Citizens, has little oversight by Government or Administration, and what exists is little more than the folk tale of the fox guarding the hen house. Family court 246 Houston Texas seem to be a play book for all that is wrong with family courts.

 This is an institution if any other would operate in such a vindictive and oppressive manner , would have its principles jailed for long periods for serious crimes. The court sees no legal problems imposing tyranny on the lives of persons they know do not have the resources to challenge their oppression and barbaric deeds. This is a court that removes persons from their home of many years, taking control of children when absolutely no issues existed regarding parent children relationship and that the children lived with their parent all their lives with no reports or concern nor involvement with government hand out or social service.

 Family court 246 has no intention to abide with laws, statutes or codes regarding judicial decisions associated with family cases and trials. The court ignores requirements regarding due process and provision of equity, justice and liberty. Here is a court that has no problem ambushing litigants involve with cases using temporary orders and injunctions; injunctions are enforced without any knowledge to affected parties, without service or hearing. An out cry is court 246 Houston justify approved procedures for these injunctions by simply stating the affected parties waived service and hearings by consent or signature to the documents they produce. Ironically signatures of the affected parties are notably missing from these documents. How on earth can we expect the best from our citizens when their lives are so twisted by institutions of government.

Can we expect fathers to perform community service, perform heroic deeds, donate blood, help in schools, donate to charity, donate organs, help feed the hungry, care for the home less and so much more when institutions needlessly oppress, burden, host sporting and youth events when their life is subdued to the extent of fathers simply committing suicide , being placed in prison, be homeless and jobless. Note these were fathers feeding, protecting and caring for their families for long periods of time simply destroyed by family courts without justification. In one instance trial judge 246 seem to be of the opinion that he was helping a father who entered the court system with his children 16 and 10 that lived with him all their lives, abandoned by their mother for more than two years, was paying a mortgage and was involved with his community

. Left homeless, job in jeopardy, broke financially, no work vehicle, home, children tools and equipment needed for work. This judge ruled taking overseas savings in a foreign country open prior to the marriage, pension and demanded the penny less father purchase insurance and name as beneficiary their client of preference. Then to ensure continued pain in the next life he rules payments to his client would continue even into the next life after death. But you say surely there can be no more. Think again; trial judge 246 charged legal fees of $10,000 to the litigant he obviously despises; more that 2 times that represented by the attorney to his client.

 In one of the only light moments associate with this case, the Attorney disclosed he had 20 years experience and that he was worth $10,000 to which the judge agrees. Yet when the attorney was asked whether he had contributed to the judges campaign, the judge reversed roles with attorney assuming the role of defense attorney. Fellow Americans there is good in many of us just yearning for freedom and liberty to manifest . Yet we cannot ignore useless pressures brought to bear from sources intended to provide help and relief. We have as a society to eliminate sources of suffering, pain and despair, starting with inequity, injustice, oppression and discrimination all characteristics associated with family courts.

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