Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Family court has to be made to understand that their calculation 50% + 50%= 50% cannot be applied to children and their parents. And being stubborn, thin skin and indifferent to modern studies as to the effect of their assault on law abiding citizens will never be in the best interest of children. New Research Proves Opposition to Shared Parenting can be Harmful to Children (ACEs Study) Divorce/separation of a child’s parents is listed as the second most common Adverse childhood experience (ACE) in a child’s life, according to NSCH.

 “Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that can have negative, lasting effects on health and well-being.¹ These experiences range from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to parental divorce or the incarceration of a parent or guardian. A growing body of research has sought to quantify the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and illuminate their connection with negative behavioral and health outcomes, such as obesity, alcoholism, and depression, later in life.”
A couple of things you will notice when evaluating these two briefs on the data, that there are a higher risk of negative health effects on a child’s health as an adult when there are more ACEs in that child’s life, and that a child’s resiliency can improve with experiencing an ACE.

 The research shows that the more minor the ACE the less negative effect that it may have. Therefore, you might be able to infer that if divorce was not turned into a knock-down multi-year all out high-conflict, high stress war, you could compare the negative effects with the resiliency and find that reducing the stress of the divorce experience would protect the child from unnecessary stress. Divorce alone does not have to create as great a harm as some of the other ACEs.

  Since removing a child from a parent they are attached to and bonded to can be a great traumatic stress-or, more so than the divorce itself, it would be safe to say that two fit, loving, and bonded parents should be protected to equal time with the child. I didn’t see any ACE that said that having two equal homes was an ACE. So depriving a child more than divorce naturally deprives them already would preemptively create unnecessary added stress and could cause greater damage to children. Divorce court judges and those that advise them that do not protect children to both of their fit parents equally could be causing the children even greater harm; and this therefore would be detrimental to the health, welfare, and well being of children.

 Divorce courts that ignore equal parental rights are not acting in the best interest of the child. Robbing children of the life experiences and associations with both parents as equally as possible is what develops children into unique adults. It is these men and women in robes acting as gods with power unto themselves to control children’s lives who may be the biggest villains of all. The CDC goes on to explain that not all adverse childhood experiences are equally harmful to a child. A divorce/separation of parents in fact may be a challenge, it can build strength into a child and improve their ability to succeed.

Whenever a child learns to navigate a difficulty, they have developed a tool that they can use later in life. Say perhaps if they encounter a difficult boss. In short, divorce/separation may not be as harmful as many have been led to believe. And although divorce is a type of harm, it is not one that the court is allowed to protect your child from. (See Palmore v. Sidoti for a case where the court explains how they evaluate harms the state can and cannot protect a child from.) Divorce is the second most common Adverse Childhood Experience. ACEs are used to predict the highest level of risk for negative outcomes as an adult.

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