Saturday, February 18, 2017


We continue to experience great indifference towards especially minorities at the hands of family courts all over America. Family courts have adopted the belief that they have a constitution unrelated to the one governing other Americans. Family court assumes the role of a punitive arm of government charged with determining what properties a parent can own, salaries, children and even where a parent should live.

 The court determines ownership of bank accounts established prior to marriage and held in sovereign overseas countries. Family courts determines beneficiary for life insurance and can ignore requirements for child support amounts charging what ever they consider should be paid. The list goes on and on. To say family courts are out of control is an under statement. There is so much uncertainty associated with dealing with family courts that these institution determination odds are similar to winning a lottery.

 Laws are out of the court room and only the judges feelings on a particular day matters. The court denies hearings, remove parents from homes without fitness hearings or due process, imposes injunctions without notifications or hearings and impose judgments and procedures in secret without the knowledge of affected parties. Family courts will make changes to timed for hearing and will conduct hearings earlier than was reported to parties critical to hearings.

 Family courts have a culture that attracts corruption, brought about by fear, intimidation, repression and oppression. The court seem to favor stories, fabrication, unproven statements and obvious lies. The court accepts statements and representations from lawyers and parties of the court liking to arrive at decisions favorable to them.
One would think family courts would appreciate the vital relationship between parents and children; yet the court is prepared to play games with the lives of parents and children.

 The family court process for determining primary parent can be compared with spinning a dice with the winning choices limited to mothers and the States ignoring fathers.

 Family courts rule in favor of mothers 80% of the time involving conserver ship and child support.
The greatest concern is the court rampage is against parents and families that are law abiding productive citizens. Family courts make possible incarceration of parents that have supported their children for years, without welfare and complaints against care and support for their children.

 Family court acts like pirates taking away homes, property, liberty and children from parents without due process and judicial procedures. The court ignores any rule, law or constitutional requirement that does not meet its approval. The court seem to ignore any sense of humanity and consciousness that should be associate with dealing with human beings.
Family court has to determine whether its role should be that of destroying families, placing children at competitive disadvantage, making intolerable the life of parents and reducing significantly as a result the capability of parents to provide civic and other services vital to their communities.

 Family court reform is urgently needed in order to ensure confidence in the judicial system and to ensure America is viewed as a country of laws, that provide justice, equality, fairness and justice for all.

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