Sunday, February 12, 2017


This post is not edited and contents is merely relayed for the purpose of identifying with injustice perpetuated by family courts against law abiding hard working, providing parents. Parents either pre define as law breakers or given prison records for no other offence other than being a father in America and having to file for divorce. Family court has become a bank for dishonest attorneys and mothers of opportunity depending on bias judges for financial resources at the expense of hard working fathers. Scott Clemens said,

 March 22, 2011 at 7:28 am Sounds like I have a similar case, in Dallas County Court, 303rd and been a victim of the corruption since January ’05. Let me read more before I comment further, I am presently case organizing fro U.S. Attorney Generals’ Office…found deaf ears at Texas Attorney General, Texas State Bar, etc have all IGNORED my pleas and requests as “lawyers” and “judges”, both associate and other continue their abuse.

Aaron said, June 8, 2011 at 12:59 am Dear Steven, I am an attorney in the Houston area and would like to talk to you. There are a lot of attorneys who share your same viewpoints about the judges. It hurts the justice system as a whole when there are rogues running amuck. I have some ideas as to fight back against the system. Ironically this systematic injustice that exists downtown is a repeat of this book Please email me at your earliest convience! 1. Tony said, October 11, 2011 at 12:39 am Currently,

 I am preceding pro se in a Fort Bend County District Court (family court) and have been subjected to malicious prosecution and prolonged economic duress both intrinsic and extrinsic to the proceedings and lack the economic resources to hire an attorney. I do not meet the legal threshold for Indigence. (Thank goodness) However, I live paycheck to paycheck and most of my time and resources are exhausted in an attempt to maintaining a loving relationship with my children.

This is no trivial task, when faced with an ex that has a pathological need to destroy such relations. I firmly believe that after reasonable inquiry into the facts and circumstances of my case a reasonable and prudent person would conclude that the trial court has without good cause aligned itself against me, and has actively engaged in a course of conduct constituting a pervasive pattern of artful manipulation, baiting and bullying me and my prior attorneys, selective or inconsistent application and enforcement of the law, the rules of evidence, and the rules civil procedure; and such conduct is designed and intended to achieve the trial court’s self-serving goals or desired outcome.

 Additionally, the trial judge has maliciously altered portions of active legal instruments that has substantially deprived me of due possess of law and is clearly in violation of Sec. 37.10.of the Texas Penal Code, (TAMPERING WITH GOVERNMENTAL RECORD) and may constitute violations under Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law and Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights. Moreover, there are many less flagrant violations that collectively show a pervasive pattern of intentional deprivation of rights that couldn’t have occurred by chance or without intelligent design and purpose. It’s not just Houston/Harris County family courts.

One of these days they are going to get tired of kicking my butt. Maybe then I will find some justice. Stay strong and never give up. 1. Scott Clemens said, March 22, 2011 at 7:28 am Sounds like I have a similar case, in Dallas County Court, 303rd and been a victim of the corruption since January ’05. Let me read more before I comment further, I am presently case organizing for U.S. Attorney Generals’ Office…found deaf ears at Texas Attorney General, Texas State Bar, etc have all IGNORED my pleas and requests as “lawyers” and “judges”, both associate and other continue their abuse. 2. Aaron said, June 8, 2011 at 12:59 am Dear Steven, I am an attorney in the Houston area and would like to talk to you. There are a lot of attorneys who share your same viewpoints about the judges.

It hurts the justice system as a whole when there are rogues running amuck. I have some ideas as to fight back against the system. Ironically this systematic injustice that exists downtown is a repeat of this book Please email me at your earliest convince! 1. Amanda said, November 2, 2011 at 7:46 pm I am in the middle of a custody case in the 247 court and have never seen such corruption in my life!!! My Ex filed for custody because I got remarried. His sleazy $500 an hour Lawyers were in the associate Judges back pocket. I could not afford that kind of lawyer so I got the best I could, to no avail.
My ex had a case built on lies, the same lies he used during my divorce and he lost everything in the divorce. Why is it now, he gets this big expensive attorney who is padding the judges pockets, she rules in his favor, with absolutely -0- proof!!!!

 This judge treated me like a mother who is on drugs and abuses and neglects my children. In fact, she stated in the temporary orders that “the court has found proof” there was no proof!! I’ve never done a drug in my life; I am a hard working stand up citizen. In fact she ordered me to do several costly test and evaluations. I passed them all with flying colors, in fact the results state the I have no issue with any substances and furthermore, was diagnosed with PTSD, from my abusive ex husband.
My lawyer and everyone else were floored at her decision!! She took my kids away.

 I am still fighting this battle, I don’t know where to begin I could use some good advice on what steps I should take to overturn this ruling. 2. SAM CINO said, December 13, 2011 at 1:40 pm Visit my web site one pg and watch video of Nancy Schaefer. Also tube 8sam66 3. Miguel Pappolla said, December 29, 2011 at 3:35 am The corruption in family courts is rampant in Texas. If have an Y chromosome (meaning you are a male) you have no constitutional rights in Texas Family Law Courts. I went through a divorce in which I was falsely accused of abusing alcohol (shown to be false after forensic testing), then of abusing drugs (shown to be bogus after extensive and sophisticated forensic testing).

 I had to spend about $300.000 in legal fees in order to see my child. The attorney for my spouse, Lindsey Short, Jr. extinguished my then 6 year old child’s educational account (which before the divorce was approximately $90,000 to a current value of $ 0.00) in legal fees, in a case supposedly being “in the interest of the child”.

All of this while I was not the bad character of the story. No history of abuse of any kind in my household or anything improper. My child and I (the father) were punished for no reason. Family Law in Texas is a circus mounted for the financial gain of the attorneys and corrupt culture of the judges. THIS IS THE PATTERN IN TEXAS. SHAME ON YOU, Texas Family Courts. 1. Red Gown said, January 30, 2012 at 4:00 pm I read your blog on Bonnie Hellums yesterday. I was not surprised in the least and I absolutely know there are hundreds more who have witnessed their children suffer because of this poisonous woman. I also dealt with her and personally witnessed her violating every one of the canons that define judicial misconduct. She is completely unethical, thoroughly dishonest, and lacking in intelligence and humanity. To say that her court is run based on personal relationships is a vast understatement.

Attempting to get her superior, Judge Olen Underwood, to address the issue is completely futile. He has literally received scores of complaints and valid requests for her recusal and turns a blind eye and deaf ear… and he is a football buddy (Houston Oilers teammates 1967-9) of Hellums’ husband, Carel Stith. Her husband, Stith, by the way, attempted to silence a displeased client (yes, he is now a family law amicus attorney) by warning him that his wife was a family law judge and would “get him.” I, too, read Court watch and was appalled to read Hellums touted as a reformer in the book. Her behavior as a judge is not just immoral, it is illegal.

 I have heard lawyers and other judges alike refer to her as “crazy” and are horrified and amazed that she still holds a seat. Something is terribly broken in the Harris County Family Court system. The FBI investigated it once and I believe it should be brought it again. Those who read this blog in order to protect Hellums have chosen personal gain over the interests of the children they have sworn to protect and I hope to see them all experience justice….real justice.

We should work toward that end. 2. Red Gown said, February 1, 2012 at 4:03 am I read your blog on Bonnie Hellums yesterday. I was not surprised in the least and I absolutely know there are hundreds more who have witnessed their children suffer because of this poisonous woman. I also dealt with her and personally witnessed her violating every one of the canons that define judicial misconduct. She is completely unethical, thoroughly dishonest, and lacking in intelligence and humanity. To say that her court is run based on personal relationships is a vast understatement.

 Attempting to get her superior, Judge Olen Underwood, to address the issue is completely futile. He has literally received scores of complaints and valid requests for her recusal and turns a blind eye and deaf ear… and he is a football buddy (Houston Oilers teammates 1967-9) of Hellums’ husband, Carel Stith. Her husband, Stith, by the way, attempted to silence a displeased client (yes, he is now a family law amicus attorney) by warning him that his wife was a family law judge and would “get him.” I, too, read Court watch and was appalled to read Hellums touted as a reformer in the book. Her behavior as a judge is not just immoral, it is illegal. I have heard lawyers and other judges alike refer to her as “crazy” and are horrified and amazed that she still holds a seat. Something is terribly broken in the Harris County Family Court system.

The FBI investigated it once and I believe it should be brought it again. Those who read this blog in order to protect Hellums have chosen personal gain over the interests of the children they have sworn to protect and I hope to see them all experience justice….real justice. We should work toward that end. 3. Rosalie said, March 8, 2012 at 7:44 pm The 247th Family Court – Judge Bonnie Hellums – ruined my faith in the legal system. She repeatedly ignored the evidence across two and half years of hearings, violated my parental rights to my son’s records, discriminated against me because I had the misfortune to lose my job and get cancer, and conducted her in the most unprofessional manner from the bench, sarcastic, belittling and threatening.

 As an example of the many, she sneered “cancer comes back and did I want my son to go through all that.” I wished I had had a video-camera every time I was in her court. (I always order transcripts.) If my attorney and I were not being the brunt of her venom, then I would see before my hearing all the parents that were not represented by Hellums’ favorite attorneys.

 My mother followed a mom out of the courtroom to console her one time because Hellums had given the three toddlers to the father who did not want them, because the mom’s attorney failed to tell her about the parenting class. When the mom cried, Hellums shouted “crying won’t get you anywhere” as if the mom had thought it would.

In my case, my son’s father literally marked through the right to determine residency, and wrote in that the “father had the right to determine residency” in our divorce decree in 2002, after Judge Hellums had approved the decree, but before it was filed with the Clerk. In 2009 when my son wanted to live with me, I appeared before Judge Hellums. In the court records, there uninitiated by my attorney and my initials were written in by my ex-husband, was a clear evidence of fraud. However, Judge Hellums rewarded the fraud, she ignored it. Then

 Hellums claimed that had no bearing on the case before her. In more recent hearings, she denies my right for my son’s records (I have joint custody and conservatorship) even though his father’s team has them and relies on them for expert evidence. There is not case law presented by my Ex, his initiate friend the therapist, and their attorneys.
Hellums just denies it because she can. She answers to no one. I finally asked for a jury trial, but then I settled in mediation but the Hellums court has left a cruel mark on my son. 4. Administrator said, March 9, 2012 at 5:14 pm Rosalie – I’m very sorry for injustice and harm that Judge Hellums has caused you through her actions during your case.

 I have experienced many more instances in the 5 years that my case was pending other than what is provided on my website in which Judge Hellums based her decisions, not on the law, but on who her favorite attorney was for that day or who had the better smile… Whatever the case, her and her court court is not interested in the slighted in doing what is in the best interests of our very young children. Instead, she and her flock of favorite attorneys cover for each other’s wrongdoings. I know for a fact that attorneys will illegally communicate (unilaterally) with Judge Hellums regarding a pending case in her court. 

These are called ex parte communications and are strongly prohibited because they can unfairly influence the judge. Instead of refusing to respond to these communications and providing a copy to all other attorneys on the case in accordance with the rules and Judicial Ethics Opinions,
Judge Hellums deletes the communications so that there is no evidence of her or the attorney’s wrongdoing and denies ever receiving the communications in open court. Just unbelievable. I have a civil lawsuit pending against a very big name attorney here in Houston, Wendy Burgower, for her malicious actions based in part on the improper influence of her ex parte communications with Judge Hellums and the resulting order that was signed by Judge Hellums due to the improper influence. What is sad is that no one in the court system will do anything to stop it, even after evidence of wrongdoing is presented.

 Again, I’m sorry for your experience with Judge Hellums and I wish you much luck and happiness with your son… God bless…. 5. Marina said, April 1, 2012 at 2:00 am Dan, You have got a good thing going on here on this page. If we do not speak out somewhere, nobody is interested in hearing our individual stories unless they are repeated cases of corruption, and prejudiced judicial system.
Judge Carolyn Marks Johnson who gets paid by me with my tax dollars told me to go and spend more of my hard earned money and come to court with an attorney. She enforced the fudged MSA by she cannot stand an independent and intelligent woman in front of her. As for Wendy Burgower, beware if you come across as more intelligent than her. She is a diva in her mind and told me off with the following words:” who do you think you are to go to court on your own? What? You think you are smarter than me? Because I know you are just bitter because your husband left you.” No class, classless, an old crow with peacock up her culo. 6. Sam said, August 13, 2012 at 3:32 am What is it with 309th? Same lawyers Mary olga Lovett, Robert Kuehm, and Judge Dean. Weird. Too weird to be coincidence. 7. Administrator said, August 14, 2012 at 2:43 am Sam, Wow – no surprise though. Robert Kuehm and Mary Olga Lovett were masters of deceit and corruption evidenced by their many violations of the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct when they were a team on my case. Mary Olga said at my trial that she would never work a family law case again – yeah right. I guess there is just too much opportunity to break the rules in the family law courts…

Thanks for sharing… 8. Lynn said, September 11, 2012 at 9:45 pm Judge Hellums worked in the best interest of my ex husband and his family of lawyers and in the worst interest of my children twelve years ago when she presided over my divorce and chose the custodial parent of my children to be a man who left the house at 5 am and left three children, ages 12, 10 and 8 to fend for themselves to wake, ready, and get to school on their own or with an evil woman who started their day by speaking badly of their mother on their way to school. He had nothing but negative Two of the three were able to get through challenging years with therapy and God and staying positive through the negative lifestyle they had to endure.

 The third is now a victim of Bonnie Hellums and her “interest of the child” ruling, back in the court system due to alcohol and drug abuse, in an effort to “escape” the life Bonnie Hellums chose for him. Her words in the courtroom, after checking her watch over and over and seeming bored with character witnesses for myself (at least 10), but listening quite attentively to the one character witness for my ex, his sister, who happens to be a lawyer, “I’ve made my decision….the children will stay in the home with the father and the mother has between 6 and 8pm to remove her belongings”.
That was certainly not in the best interest of my children, but no one was listening, especially not the Judge.

 We owned two homes and I walked out of the courtroom with no home. Shameful that our court system has the power to ruin young lives to favor lawyers–WRONG. 9. Sam said, September 22, 2012 at 6:58 pm International protest for the love of children Here in Houston on September 27th. 10. ENRIQUE said, October 10, 2012 at 8:49 pm A judge in the 247th district court would not even listen to my side of the story even though I have documented video, audio, text messages, paper work that proves the facts of my case. The opposing lawyer postponed the case so long that the amicus representing the case went on his side to slander me and make me seem like all I wanted was child support money when that wasn’t the case at all. My ex spouse kept my son out of school for 2 1/2 months and would not take him to get medical help when he needed it and all I wanted was temporary custody to get him back in school and get him medical attention.

They made it into an all out custody battle which was never intended. 11. Jo said, November 13, 2012 at 9:45 pm How did you find an atty to file a civil suit? Who is the atty, and would this person be willing to file class action suit? 12. Dorothea Laster said, February 10, 2013 at 3:23 am Corruption exists in the world. However, a lot of times what appears to be corruption to a lay person is just a lack of information about how the judicial system works–usually a lack of knowledge about procedural rules. That’s what attorneys know that you don’t when you represent yourself–and the process is not geared toward slowing down and explaining it to you. That said–there is implied findings in a Judge’s ruling from the bench. Clearly a Judge cannot recite 40 pages of text that a divorce decree or other order will end up being. Guidance about short cut phrases about what rights a Joint Managing Conservator will have, for example, is in the Family Code in detail. If you don’t know that, the order you get may be a surprise.

Also, attorneys or Pro SE parties draft orders in Texas State Courts–the Judges typically don’t. Judges do not have time to read each proposed decree word for word–if at all. If you have an issue with a proposed order because you don’t think it reflects the Court’s ruling the burden is upon you to come up with your own judgment within the time frame, and file a motion to enter your order/judgment and set it for hearing. If the other side’s inaccurate order got entered without being provided to you first, you can file a timely motion to set aside or correct that order (or call it a motion for new trial), and again submit what you think is the correct judgment language and have a hearing on it. Time limits do matter. You can be right as rain–but if you didn’t file your motion to correct the judgment in a timely manner a Judge lacks the power to correct it. I dislike lawyer and judge slamming.

Lawyers studied long and hard and representation of a party to a lawsuit is not as easy as it looks. It makes me mad sometimes–I don’t go to your job an assume I can do what you do without training–why do you assume you can do mine? If you have to represent yourself–assume that there are things (especially deadlines) that you don’t know and try to familiarize yourself with procedural deadlines. If you get an adverse ruling promptly get a copy of the transcript of what the Judge said and/or take detailed notes of what the Judge said. 

That can help any subsequent lawyer trying to help to tell you where you went wrong, and what to do next, or if this really is a rare case of improper judicial conduct. Look in your phone book for low income legal services like legal aid. I hope that helps.
This is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice–just an observation. 13. Sam cino said, February 23, 2013 at 8:06 pm Politicians have made it legal for Nazi judges, lawyers and the children aid societies to kidnap our children so that they can be brutally raped and pillaged by them.. with no accountability !!!! … isn’t democracy beautiful!!!!! politicians , judges, lawyers , family physiologist and children aid societies cannot raise their own children but our going to tell me and you how to raise ours??????? my believe ;; if judges are above the law therefore they must be God I suggest they get nailed to the cross and see if they can rise again from the dead. 14.

 Stop the Corruption said, April 5, 2013 at 4:21 pm I am interested in writing a story about corruption in Harris County Family Court. Please contact me by email at so that you can share your part of the story. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon. 15. jacket said, May 25, 2013 at 2:53 am Please call me asp. I have a girlfriend going Through HELL. This could be a big lawsuit.

For anyone who’s been ruined. Please. 2103283283 Jackie 16. Andrea said, July 1, 2013 at 8:01 am If you want to write about the Harris County Family Court then you need to hear my entire story that is STILL going on after 15 years and over half a million in attorney’s fees. What I can say is that I was lucky to find Wally Mahoney in 1999 because in Harris County every attorney you know will be happy to ask for at least $5,000 to “help you” and if they suck, then they will also be happy to put a lien against your assets to get paid. 

Wally won for me as long as I followed his rules. And he is a big part of that group of attorneys, and it’s not Wally, it’s just how you have to operate to win in Harris County. I do not advocate Robert Keuhm and would rather see him shipped to practice in Mexico since he was instrumental in removing my children from me after my ex-husband attempted to kidnap my children out of the country. He got mad about my not being able to pay his bills and that’s the way it works. Wally isn’t like that, but you have to pay. After years of fighting, and winning and losing and rehiring and firing attorneys – Wally the most (and that takes character to get fired and be re-hired by the same person) I will tell you. Get a prenup.

There were great judges when I started my case in 1999, but my Judge is now on the Texas State Supreme Court and the same old groups are running the show. And the judges make you hire Dr. Silverman, and Dr. Silverman or their shrink of chaise, and the Judge will put you at risk and ensure you live with your soon to be ex unless you get beat up and gain a protective order. Then you have to leave the home with no property or money until you can get the judge to have you very FAIR ex husband to allow a FRIEND OR NEIGHBOR to come get the THINGS HE chooses to disclose that he has – despite all this father’s rights crap – there are no winners in this situation and the father’s rights advocates have ruined the system. There should be no bias on gender per our constitution. Right? Please avoid that father’s rights crap – for those women whom have lost their rights but don’t have a Political Action Committee backing them. Let’s call it even.

I know the Harris County Family Court Judges tried to right a long-time wrong of father’s not gaining custody but it was OVERKILL. And it literally did kill. I know more than one mother that has been stalked and killed. I know children that have committed suicide. And I know one father that gained custody from a dedicated mother that had a wonderful job and gave her two children wonderful lives, but I had a brain aneurysm. When I got out of the hospital alive, I had lost my kids and was ordered to pay child support. I’ve never recovered from that, nor has Wally I am sure. But there was an Ad Litem name Robert Keuhm that could have made a difference. 

There were many others involved in my case which listen PEOPLE involves a Mexican National that flies for Continental Airlines, dresses like a woman most of the time, and is holding my children hostage – he frightens me, threatens to hurt them and I just wait for them to turn 18. That is all I can do after all the money, and the sincere threat of their disappearance to Mexico or Germany. Count your blessings Dads, and remember there are women that have suffered the same injustices. If I could, and I will.

I will write my book when I am sure my children will not be hurt any more than they do now, since if I even attempt to visit them, he serves me for any unnecessary thing. And his attorney is a woman. How about that? Don’t hesitate to call me and I can refer you all over town to the right attorneys, do not ask your neighbor, your boss, your friend. Ask someone that knows and has spent hours upon hours in the 409, 17. jo said, July 13, 2013 at 4:09 pm Aaron, you are an atty. You had some ideas. I would like to talk to you. How can you be reached? 

My grandson would like to take action, and I would like to help him if possible. Oh,Truncellito is dirty, He was part of the corruption. His office address is nonexistent, and he is now working for the federal Govt. He is and was involved in this crud. Not only was there an FBI investigation(stopped by Don Clark who went to work for the O’Quinn law firm), there was a US Justice dept investigation. The women and men who protested this corruption almost got them, but they killed several of them including Donna Ignoring, and another man. These were good people. They also fired the US investigator. The dirty people won. 

These people are organized criminals. they need to be stopped. 18. Darla said, November 18, 2013 at 8:59 pm If you Google The Enos Law Firm Newsletter there is an article that reads Judge Bonnie Hellums must change her illegal policies.
This judge Bonnie Hellums in court 247th must enjoy taking kids away from their mothers. This judge gave my son’s father custody after he failed 2 drug tests that were court ordered and he is a convicted felon. All because he had a better lawyer that knows the judge. 

The decision was made before I even went to court. I did not get a fair trial and I lost my son just because I had moved out of state and had to move back. My son’s father denied me of many visitations but I still have to pay him child support. I have lost my son all thanks to this judge. Please vote someone else in before more children are taken from their mothers for no good reason. 19. Victor rojas said, January 13, 2014 at 8:12 pm My name is victor rojas , I and my daughter are victims of this evil women Bonnie hellums . On 2002 I went to court just for a custody arrangement . My ex had a really good lawyer mine not so good .

My ex lied her eyes out I out me that I was a drunk , I did drugs , I beat her , I tried to kill my daughter which was two years old at the time . And judge Bonnie hellums believed everything she said , and my ex had absolutely no proof or records of these thing she said happened . But I believe because I’m of Mexican descend and my ex is white the judge believed her . So after all that the Judge sent me to a drug and alcohol assessment center and nothing negative came out . Then I did a year at safe program they gave me good reviews , a hair drug test came back negative for drugs . Sent me to her clinical Psychologist he said I had no anger issues and there was nothing wrong with me . I was thrown in jail because I was like three months late on child support .

 But I did pay my ex every late payment when she took me to court . The story goes on and on . I fought her for about 8 years and I still have not seen my child . I don’t understand how some horrible person can sit there and decide to ruin someone’s life and nothing can be done about it . At least I know when she dies she will be judged for everything she did to us . 20. Attorney CS said, January 18, 2014 at 9:00 am I am an attorney and uncovered wide spread corruption. It is not just in the family law courts, it is in all of the courts. It involves the clerks, the lawyers, the DA’s, and more. It is not a friendship deal, it is all financial (payoffs).

It is a system of criminal lawyers and judges, who have a criminal system to defraud unsuspecting persons. They love when the unsuspecting party does not know what is going on. They all put on a show. And even the lawyer for the unsuspecting victim, determined at the start of the case, knows what us going on. The only one who does not know is the litigant with the bad label. It is sick and evil. But it is not only family law. They will target a business to take over, a person with money to steal from and they come from all sides. They use the same scams over and over and the same tricks over and over. I have been fighting the corruption for years and I think I will publish a book with the top 100 tricks they all use to cheat. Then, they use the state bar of Texas to attack the lawyers who speak out, which is what I am going through. It is a constant fight.

The system is very sick and almost, if not, hopeless. A lot of arrests and a lot of changes need to take place to change this corrupt system before we fall like Rome. It is just as bad here as any third world country, and if you do not believe it, that is because you do not see it. 21. Attorney CS said, January 18, 2014 at 9:06 am This in on the FBI’s website and this is what is going on all over the place. If you want to know what is happening, read this. “Public Corruption: Courtroom for Sale Judge Gets Jail Time in Racketeering Case” 22. Frank Bustoz said, February 17, 2014 at 8:08 pm In Austin….dealing with my ex’s unethical dirty scoundrel of a lawyer…he and she are hell bent on minimizing my time with my son. Anyone with any advice or recommendations …

.I appreciate any help!!?? I currently have a SAPCR final Order…she violated it for six months under the advice and urging of her attorney….I need to know how to file sanctions on opposing counsel…Motion to Disqualify…as well as a civil suit if this is possible …. 23. Frank Bustoz said, February 17, 2014 at 8:10 pm Hello, In Austin….dealing with my ex’s unethical dirty scoundrel of a lawyer…he and she are hell bent on minimizing my time with my son. Anyone with any advice or recommendations ….I appreciate any help!!?? I currently have a SAPCR final Order…she violated it for six months under the advice and urging of her attorney….I need to know how to file sanctions on opposing counsel…

Motion to Disqualify…as well as a civil suit if this is possible …. 24. Richard Letty said, September 18, 2014 at 4:08 pm Bonnie Crane Hellums has breached her judiciary responsibilities as judge in the 247th District Court by engaging in such practices as tampering with transcripts, engaging in exparte communications with opposing counsel, and extending legally inconsistent rulings for the benefit of favored attorneys.

We, the citizens of Texas, petition the State of Texas to deny Judge Hellums any and all benefits that may accrue to her from the State of Texas and Harris County. Without you, the citizens of Harris County, justice cannot be served for the children and families who have suffered because of Judge Hellums’ alleged bias and violations of law. Until now, the stories and voices of those affected have not been heard. Today, a chance for change is possible and we all have a voice that can be heard across the world-wide web. Sign the petition at for “No More HELLums” and justice for our children. 1. Priscella said, December 30, 2014 at 12:50 pm I am also a victim of court 247. my kids were forced to live with their dad one year ago.

It broke me emotionally and my children too. I’m beginning to feel strong again and would like to tell my story and I’m seeking people who will be willing to help me. My children are 10 and 7. They were 7 and 5 when our worlds were thrown into a tornado. They cry and wish so much to have their old lives back. I’m not even sure if that is possible. But I am willing to at least try. I love my children and I would never give up on them. 2. Sara said, February 2, 2015 at 6:23 am can a RIGHTEOUS attorney within a state AS BIG AS TEXAS simply STEP UP ? this is UNREAL that no one can get a word in edgewise inside these kangaroo courts and OUR FAMILIES ARE DESTROYED. and folks ? this ALSO APPLIES to the subhumans within the probate /guardianship AND THEY ARE CPS ON STEROIDS. Instead of you’re under age 18 children disappeared, our adult aged DISABLED and elderly ARE DISAPPEARED.

 SOME GET LUCKY and PAY THOUSANDS to make their own disabled adults WARD OF THESE COURTS as that’s ALL A GUARDIANSHIP DOES, it makes THEM WARDS OF THE COURT and goolygeeeez,THEY THEN ALLOW YOU TO POSSESS THE WARD….bbb but as THEIR WARD and you all are on a lifetime of PROBATION reporting to the COURT. plus in MOST CASES there are no charges or crimes or even APS involved….just THEIR SACRED WORD against YOUR FACTUAL TRUTHS. sound familiar ? same script different stage and actors. why is there NO ONE to take authentic, VERIFIED CASES regarding JUDICIAL ABUSE = constitutional violations ? WE need to UNITE AND FIGHT NONSTOP and sue them out of business. 3. Camilla said, February 7, 2015 at 6:45 am Corpus Christi – is there any accountability in family law court for arrogant spouses who break all temporary orders or for attorneys who seem to turn a blind eye to the needs of their own client? While I won’t claim to have been the best spouse,

I entered into the legal process of divorce with respect and intention to allow the law to settle our differences but I am the only party involved who is. What recourse do I have if my spouse closed over 200 thousand dollars worth of accounts, made criminal accusations to an employer, gave my dog away, changed the locks on our home, refused to give me the paycheck my employer mailed to said home and refused to show at mediation?

 My paid in full attorney hasn’t answered my questions and because of the in access to my own money, I can’t hire another! Suggestions? (thank you) 4. 5. Michael said, February 18, 2015 at 4:47 pm It was just brought to my attention that an attorney that is appointed as an amicus out of this court is married to a convicted child sex offender with a long history for drugs. The attorney is Shannon Boudreaux and she is married to a guy names Richard David Crow. I can’t believe these judges would appoint someone as an amicus for the children who are married to a person convicted of a sexual offense against a child.

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