Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is it possible that family court just dont care about these incredible kids?

Children are the most precious inhabitants of this world. No single component of life brings hope, delight, enjoyment and a reason to fight the battles of life as children do. When Government institutions invade their lives with policies intended to provide help, but complicates their lives, they leave a void in the lives of both parent and child, that is difficult to fill. Government entrust the welfare of children to family courts. These courts reason finance as the only means for caring for children, and encourage hand out and social services as a means of supplementing their efforts.

What family court perceive as necessary for the care and support of children is totally different from what is actually needed. One judge in court 246 Harris County Texas reasoned that turning a 10 year old over to CPS was in the best interest of the child. Lucky for the child CPS knew what their role was limited to abuse and neglect.

 Children will get help because of their attraction to so many in our communities. The greatest hazard children face today is out side decisions that affect their lives made by institutions like family courts.

 One standard that could benefit family court is to ask themselves,( am I doing for this child what I would like someone to do to mine?). Such a question would discourage many of the ill fated decisions family court makes every day.
Parents live to experience the small things their children do, their baby steps, their modes, their learning growth and their natural evolution.

Family courts see children as tools to impose their will upon vulnerable families in need of help. They bully their decisions to parents with the aim of dividing the child, from the parent that does not meet their ideals.

If we allow family courts to degrade parent child relationship we will forever lose the component of life we treasure most. Family court can imagine a world of children void of parents, replaced by care givers.

 Unless family court judges view all children equal and realize children are a parent prize, they will continue to destroy children with the deceptive view of helping them.

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