Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Jules Williams Birmingham Member ACLU,

I am a proud card member of the ACLU. The ACLU has for many years been a leader in the protection and preservation of Human rights for all Americans. My interest in Civil Rights violation protection is a result of years of experience with Family Court 246 Harris County Texas. Family court 246, in my opinion, is an evil, wicked, and repressive institution that has been practicing punitive, medieval and draconian acts for years against residents of Harris County Texas.

 What is more frightening, it there are institutions and individuals, charged with protecting Constitutional and Civil rights who instead of honoring the Constitution and being respectful of civil rights are ignoring obvious violations by family courts giving cover to rouge, reckless Judges. They simply bury their heads in their desks ignoring the suffering of parents and children at the hands of these judges.

 That any individual, institution, or Judge can remove anyone from their homes, ignoring various Constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th, 5th 7th, and 14th Amendments without hearing, trial or due process cannot be considered by any other term but blatant arrogant disregard for the American Constitution. America would surely criticize and even chastise any country involved in violating the civil rights of their countrymen. Yet family courts including family court 246 Harris County Texas abuse the authority given to them by our judicial system and perform cruel barbaric acts upon law-abiding residents every work day.
We need to guard against violations of rights worldwide. We are obligated to preserve Constitutional and civil rights for all Americans. we are obligated to erase judicial oppression and Constitutional and Civil rights everywhere it exists.

 Family courts are judicial institutions that have to be aware of the weight this country places on due process of law. Judges should not be feared but should be respected for being professionals and adhering to high standards demanded of their profession and expected for the preservation of the American Judaical System.

 Family courts have assumed the role of family oppressors, judicial actors of cruel heartless, and abusive actions. Family courts are surrounded by powerful enablers that provide cover for rouge family court judges. Family court 246 Harris County has evolved into a manual for punitive draconian, medieval acts against residents of Harris County.

Acts such as removing parents from their homes, confiscating their property, annihilating children from their parents, ordering privileged attorneys to acquire bank accounts in foreign countries, and dividing property without trial all without due process of law are inconceivable for novices like myself furthermore for professionals of law at the highest level. Family court 246 Harris county has become a manual for all sorts of cruelty and inhumanity against parents, children, and families. ACLU has been a champion for preserving and defending Civil rights for all Americans. I am delighted to be associated with an institution that represents dignity and humanity for all Americans.

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