continue their efforts at destroying American families. While national
criticism of family law and specifically child support continues nationwide,
Congress is again using financial child support to continue imposing further
hardships on parents and children. Congress has been responsible for
unbelievable family hardships in America for many years. Congress is directly
responsible for family destruction, poverty, social evils, and community
demise. Congress has destroyed families and is responsible for calamities
experienced in American society today.
Make no mistake, family laws represent criminalizing law-abiding citizens,
and extorting financial resources from especially minority families, ensuring
minorities remain dependent on political handouts, and social programs. Where
politicians don't find tax increases popular with the American population,
lawmakers have no problem taxing parents more than 50% of their salaries, many
of these parents struggle paycheck to paycheck.
Child support has always been about money to States and judicial
institutions; Studies have shown that child support rarely assists children, and
recipients often have bad social habits and other financial circumstances.
Congress always seems to ignore the harm caused by their actions, and overwhelming
evidence that their involvement in critical areas of American life usually
results in tremendous harm, and hardships to so many. The following statements
by influential congressmen clearly show disconnect and community-related
ignorance associated with their position on child support.
These congressmen ignore national problems associated with ill-conceived child
support policies including parents committing suicide, military active
personnel losing their children, judges erasing children-parent relationships, and children placed in dangerous situations because of judges' careless use of
family laws. Some of these effects include poverty, lowered self-esteem, and inability to compete in society are evils associated with family laws. Congress
always seems to find common themes that the public can associate with, to
initiate brainwashing needed to impose financial hardships on American parents,
vulnerable to laws that result in them being made criminals, while providing
easy money to States, making use of hidden tax increases on unsuspecting
Deadbeat parents provide them the option. Can anyone believe in forcefully
taking money from one parent to give to State programs, that claim to provide
support to children disguised as tax parents? Having a child grow with the
knowledge that their lives have been financed using food stamps, Government
insurance, free school meals, and child support forcefully taken from an
otherwise caring and loving parent is in the best interest of the child. An
analysis of statements from three congressmen below clearly shows ignorance and
out-of-touch conclusions by key members of America's congress, responsible for
laws that Americans are to be governed by.
There is no emphasis on parents spending time with their children, these
children are used by family courts to punish parents disadvantaged by American
family laws. If these congressmen were sincere, they would pay attention to the
best interest of children, including all aspects beneficial to them, and not
the financial component that they can enforce, using threats of imprisonment.
In announcing the legislation Congressman Boustany said, “This president thinks
he can use his pen and phone to make sweeping policy changes without
legislation, but it is Congress’ role to determine child support policy, not
the administration’s.
The president’s rule could potentially let delinquent parents off the
hook when we should be focused on structuring these important programs to
promote strong families.” Senator Hatch said, “This legislation is necessary to
reaffirm Congress’ role in legislating social welfare policy …Last year the
administration issued a proposed rule that, if made final in its current form,
would make it easier for non-custodial parents to evade paying child support—a
move that could potentially force some American families to go on welfare.
Deadbeat parents, not hardworking taxpayers, should be held accountable for
their financial responsibilities.
Our bill will prevent the administration from going forward with a
unilateral approach that bypasses Congress yet again and undermines this key
feature of welfare policy.” Senator Cornyn echoed those comments by saying
“While Attorney General of Texas, I fought to hold deadbeat parents responsible
for paying the financial support their children deserve, and I am troubled to
see President Obama go around Congress to undermine a similar effort. This bill
will stop the president’s unilateral action and ensure our child support laws
protect innocent children and taxpayers, not absentee parents.” Speaker Ryan
had one of the most sensible, reasonable, and appropriate approaches to family
law reform and especially regarding child support.
What creates the need for financial child support? The speaker of the
House flirted with providing aid necessary to address the needs for supporting
the child. His approach is outside the thinking of most politicians. However,
the idea that parents' needs should be evaluated, and support be given to
address the needs of children makes sense. For example, a parent with control
of children is unable to receive financial assistance from the other parent, who can
provide some level of assistance and has a job but has transportation problems.
The need is transportation, and an able parent should provide that assistance
to enable continued support of the child. If housing is the problem, aid from
the capable parent, found unsuitable for continuous parenting should provide child
support to the abled parent to meet that need. Lawmakers should address the
best interest of children while not leaving parents no option other than to
end their own lives, many times taking their children in the process, CPS ravages families, and family court judges erasing family structures while
destroying communities and cultures in the process. Lawmakers must be held
responsible for the actions they take that result in death to parents, injury,
and harm to our children, including scars some irreparable that they must live
with past 18 years, some for the remainder of their lives.
The need exists for a medium that identifies this tragedy to the
lawmakers that enabled them, available for anyone to find. Such a medium will
remove hiding places for politicians who find comfort in making perilous
decisions than simply walking away and living lives undisturbed by the
calamities they have created.
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