Sunday, November 20, 2016



. Let me take this opportunity to thank so many people in Europe, Asia, Caribbean and United States who read my blogs, tweets and posts. Your support is greatly appreciated and believe this or not you are contributing to the sustainability and survival of children and families in America.

Family courts have been accumulating a reputation of questionable authenticity for many years. Many atrocities committed by family courts have been ignored by court authorities and law makers. Judges have been given wide latitude and protection from protection. Judges have taken upon themselves to ignore laws and oppress those unable to defend themselves against great power available to judges.

Judges prop favored parent to advantage them in preparation for final divorce trial. This mother was given free rent for 5 months and was protected from evidence during trial that would expose family violence, criminal mischief and attaching a neighbor using a chain saw.

 Most States have laws that would effectively solve many family court problems.

 Dishonest lawyers and bias judges collaborate to rape parents of resources needed to provide for their children by ignoring family rules, laws, and the Constitution.

 The longer a trial the greater the cost for court, motions, processing and attorneys. All at the expense of one or both parents. I have posted a detailed report regarding the most potent lethal tools used by family court judges to inflect harm and tyranny on minority families.
Unless all sectors of America recognize the benefit of abiding by laws, America will not sustain its reputation as being a free country. In fact this status is being debated world wide and is fueling conflicts in many regions of the world.

Family courts display a sense of lawlessness and blatant disregard for laws approaching comparison with many countries plagued with civil unrest and disputes. Family court gives children to mother in spite of obvious dangers associated with their decision and testified to on numerous occasions.

This mother is flagged by Texas laws as being questionable for Conservator of children. Could it be the court simply made a mistake or is the court living up to its cultural practices? The combination Attorney General local office, Judges and Attorneys of Family Courts know that if family laws in Texas were adhered to in its basic form, their profiteering using the courts would be no more, trials would be shorter, parents would be much more satisfied with final decisions, children would retain their parents role, communities would benefit from better community participation, parents would be less stress, parents would be more productive over all, tax payers would be less accountable for non productive costs including health insurance, confidence would be restored in the court system making divorce cases more manageable eliminating jury trials for agreements between parents.

 Judges should be prosecuted like any American are when they commit fraud by fixing cases to favor lawyers who they are accustomed to or contribute to their election, key staff members should be rotated to different courts in order to break the relationship between staff and judges. The very existence of America as an admired nation depends on the quality of adults derived from our children depending on our judgment today. Family court is mutilating our families today and endangering the status of the country for tomorrow.
It should not, cannot and don't have to be to the primary benefit of ,lawyers, judges and parents when children are concerned. The prime focus should be on child welfare.

For family court policy and culture to be destroy one parent, eventually destroying both, and imposing child care burden on the tax payers when other natural options are available that would result in little change to the child situation and no cost to tax payers is immoral, evil, wrong and illegal, inconsistent with Texas laws detailed above. Texas does not need additional laws.

 Texas needs to hold judges responsible who ignore existing laws, statutes and documented guidelines. Many of the ignored laws were addressed and confirmed or recommended by the US supreme courts and or appeals court. Yet family court judges simply impose verdicts that fits their liking and party they support.

These judges know less than 1% of cases will be appealed so 90% yet studies show 1 in 4 family case results in family courts are modified by the courts and 70% of bench trials that are appealed and overturned are due to lack of due process. Family courts do not believe in due process since they decide the out come of a case long before the trial begins.

 Unless judges are prohibited from punishing parents by curtailing visitation and arbitrary child support instead of allowing caring parents the opportunity to serve the best interest of the child the result at final trial will be far worse than at the initial.

  The 50/50 requirement, each parent provide support when the child is in his or her possession and other expenses shared equally would benefit the child and bring to an end family court corruption that is so obvious in America today.

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