Sunday, August 27, 2023


Jules Williams

Date: 8/27/2003.

1.     Lack of Expertise: One of the primary complications that may arise from promoting untrained personnel to facilities directors and Managers is the lack of expertise in specialized areas. Untrained personnel are typically responsible for cleaning and maintenance tasks, which may not equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle complex systems such as electrical, air-conditioning, and plumbing trades. This could lead to inadequate maintenance, inefficient energy management, and potential safety hazards.

2.     Inadequate Training: Promoting untrained personnel to facilities directors and Managers without providing adequate training can further exacerbate the lack of expertise. Without proper training on building automation systems, energy management techniques, and sciences related to indoor air quality, untrained personnel may struggle to effectively manage billion-dollar facilities. This could result in increased energy consumption, higher maintenance costs, and compromised safety standards.

3.     Limited Resources: Another challenge that may arise from promoting untrained personnel to facilities directors is the limited availability of resources. Large public-funded school districts often have tight budgets, making it difficult to allocate sufficient funds for necessary upgrades, repairs, and training programs. Consequently, facilities directors and Managers may face constraints in maintaining and upgrading building systems, leading to reduced energy efficiency and compromised functionality.

4.     Complex Systems: Modern school facilities encompass a wide range of complex systems, including elevators, sprinkler systems, and sophisticated building automation systems. These systems require specialized knowledge to operate and maintain effectively. Promoting untrained personnel to facilities directors and Managers without the necessary expertise may result in inadequate system management, potential breakdowns, and compromised safety measures.

5.     Compliance with Regulations: Public-funded school districts must comply with numerous regulations and standards related to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and safety. Facilities directors and Managers play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with these regulations. However, promoting untrained personnel without proper training and expertise may lead to unintentional violations, potentially resulting in legal consequences and reputational damage.

Conclusion: While promoting untrained personnel to facilities directors in large public-funded school districts may seem like a cost-effective solution, it can lead to several complications. These include a lack of expertise, inadequate training, limited resources, complex systems, and compliance issues. To mitigate these challenges, it is essential for school districts to invest in comprehensive training programs, allocate sufficient resources, and consider hiring professionals with the necessary qualifications and experience. By doing so, school districts can ensure efficient energy management, optimal functionality of building systems, and a safe and healthy learning environment for students and staff.


Friday, August 25, 2023


Consumer Affairs and Family Injustice /

Jules Williams.


Title: The Negative Effects of Father Absence on Children's Development and the Biased Nature of Family Court Decisions

Introduction: The role of a father in a child's life is undeniably crucial. However, in many cases, children are deprived of meaningful father involvement, particularly during their early years. Furthermore, family court decisions often lean heavily towards granting custody to mothers, resulting in an imbalanced system that undermines the importance of paternal involvement. This blog aims to shed light on the negative effects of children deprived of father involvement and the bias prevalent within family courts.

1.      Emotional and Psychological Impact: Children who grow up without a father figure often face emotional and psychological challenges. Studies have shown that a father's absence can lead to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The absence of a nurturing and supportive father can leave children feeling emotionally disconnected and can hinder their ability to form healthy relationships in the future.

2.      Educational and Cognitive Development: Father involvement has been linked to improved academic performance and cognitive development in children. Fathers tend to engage in different types of play and interaction, which stimulates cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and language development. Without a father's involvement, children may experience setbacks in their educational journey, leading to lower academic achievements.

3.      Social and Behavioral Issues: Children without involved fathers are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems and engage in delinquent activities. Fathers often provide a sense of discipline, structure, and guidance, which helps children develop self-control, empathy, and appropriate social behavior. The absence of a father's influence can leave children vulnerable to negative peer influences and a lack of positive role models.

4.      Impact on Father-Child Bonding: Early bonding between fathers and children is crucial for healthy attachment. It sets the foundation for emotional security and contributes to the child's overall well-being. When fathers are deprived of meaningful involvement, either due to custody biases or other factors, the bond between father and child may suffer, affecting the child's sense of identity and security.

5.      Family Court Bias: Family courts have historically exhibited a bias towards granting custody to mothers, assuming they are the primary caregivers. While this may be true in some cases, it overlooks the importance of father involvement. This bias perpetuates the notion that fathers are less capable or essential in a child's life, disregarding the potential negative consequences for both the child and the father.

6.       The need has long existed to replace the suspect notion used by family courts that seems to imply mothers are for keeping house while fathers are for bringing home money. The ratio of moms and dads in working families is about 1 to 1.

Conclusion: The negative effects of children deprived of father involvement, especially during the early years, cannot be ignored. Emotional, educational, and social repercussions can hinder a child's development and well-being. Additionally, the biased nature of family court decisions, favoring mothers for custody, further exacerbates the issue. It is crucial to recognize the importance of father involvement and work towards a fairer system that prioritizes the best interests of the child, regardless of gender. By doing so, we can create a more equitable environment that fosters healthy relationships and optimal development for children.