Sunday, July 10, 2016

We can and have to stop minority lynching in America.

Thanks to the many lawyers following me.Way to go brothers, sisters friends. Thanks to my supporters in Asia, Dominica and the Caribbean. A shout to my Teacher squad in Columbia and Panama. Shout to Basie.
We have endured much suffering at the hands of American misfits who have the distorted belief that they are better than other ethnicity
 Who is better than who? Would a family court judge take his garage to the dump? Will he unblock his toilet or sink? Apart from being lynched by these judges how often do you really need their services?
As a minority black the answer without a question is never. Yet these few self made advocates reap our relationship with our children knowing very well that they are destroying minority survival. They jail us like it's drinking a soda. They make us jobless and homeless without a thought. They ignore our minority lawyers like they are ghosts.
Yet these judges are in the minority.When it comes to elections they have to beg us for 4 year jobs. we need to elect  judges that will guarantee fairness for all people. It is not in our minority DNA to distinguish or assign worth to people.
No one can convince me that these family court judges are ignorant to what's happening. Their actions are pre calculated. We have to support our minority lawyers and shield them against these judges and the DAs office.

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